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How Much and How Often to Water Pansies

water can behind the pansies

Pansies are easy to grow as long as you understand their needs. For example, you must plant the flowers in moist, well-drained soils. Also, you must ensure your pansies have access to at least six hours of direct sunlight.

But how much and how often should you water your pansies?

Well-established pansies need at least an inch of water weekly, especially during active growth seasons. However, there are a bunch of factors that dictate how much and how often to water pansies. Read on to learn everything you need to know about watering your pansies.

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Pansy Water Requirements

different colors of pansies
Image Credit: klausPeter, Pixabay

Pansies need consistent water for photosynthesis but dislike wet feet, making it crucial to plant them in well-drained soils.

While daily watering is often unnecessary, you should increase the watering frequency if the top inch of the soil dries up quickly. On the other hand, dial back the water when it gets soggier because of rainfall or reduced evaporation.

How Much Water Do Pansies Need?

Generally, pansies only need 1 inch of water weekly. Make sure you water early in the morning to allow the foliage to dry and the plants to absorb moisture before it evaporates.

The best way to avoid overwatering is to always check the soil before adding more water. If the top inch is still moist, wait for a day or two before watering your pansies.

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How Often Should You Water Pansies?

The correct watering frequency for pansies depends on the age of the plant, the weather conditions, and the growth rate expected during a specific season. Other aspects to consider are whether the pansies are in the ground or in a planter and the amount of direct sunlight they receive daily.

Here are a few tips to help you devise a healthy watering routine for your pansies:

Watering Pansies Based On Age (Seedlings & Established Pansies)

growing pansies
Image Credit: Chandler Cruttenden, Unsplash

The water requirements of pansies can differ based on their age. Seedlings require immediate watering right after planting. It is also crucial to ensure the ground is reasonably moist.

Pansy seedlings face a greater risk of “drowning” when overwatered. Watering them lightly every day is safer than soaking the ground and reducing the watering frequency. Consistently check the ground for dryness and ensure the soil remains moist, not waterlogged.

Once the pansies are established, you can get into a weekly watering routine. Provide at least an inch of water if the plants are on well-draining soil. If you receive constant rain showers, stick your finger 1–2 inches into the ground to measure the moisture. Dry soil will fall off your finger, while moist soil will stick to it. Only water the pansies when the top half-inch of the soil is dry.

Watering Pansies Based On Landscape

The ideal watering frequency may also differ depending on whether you plant your pansies in flower beds, flower pots, hanging baskets, borders, or window boxes. Pansies planted outdoors receive more airflow and direct sunlight, making it crucial to water them several times weekly, especially if grown in containers.

Pansies growing in a flowerbed require far less care because they may pull moisture from the ground. Depending on the weather patterns, they may not need weekly watering, although you must check the soil moisture content to be sure.

If you have pansies for houseplants, you need to be extra careful when tracking the soil moisture levels. The right water amount and watering frequency will depend on the humidity levels and the amount of direct sunlight the pansies receive. Also, be on the lookout for signs of underwatering or overwatering, and be sure to remedy problems before they go from bad to worse.

Watering Pansies Based On Season

yellow pansies
Image Credit: smsoumen99, Pixabay

Another aspect that will influence the proper watering schedule for pansies is the season. Pansy’s peak growing season is spring, although the flowers receive plenty of rain showers, especially if planted outdoors. During spring, you need to be extra cautious not to overwater your pansies.

In fall, the temperatures are cooler, although you may experience strong winds. While most pansies will do well with an inch of water weekly, you should increase the watering frequency if the soil dries up too quickly. Close monitoring of the soil’s moisture levels is also crucial during the summer heat when the ground tends to dry out faster because of the full sun.

Do Pansies Need Watering During Winter?

Yes, they do. Water up to 1-inch and only water again once the soil dries out. Water before it starts freezing to allow the plant to absorb the moisture they need before the chilly period.

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Final Thoughts

Pansies are perennials that require consistent moisture to keep the flowers soft and supple. However, once you provide an inch of water, you must let the soil dry a little before watering again. Irrespective of where you plant your pansies, the basic rule is to keep the soil moist, not dry or soggy.

Pansies fail to thrive if the water is too much or too little. They can also show nearly similar symptoms when the soil needs fertilizer application. Before you misdiagnose your plants with a watering problem and increase or reduce the watering frequency, measure the soil moisture levels.

You may also be interested in: How Much and How Often to Water Peperomia

Featured Image Credit: Thomas, Pixabay


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